
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Matthew 20:28

Serve in Our Church

Use your unique gifts and calling to engage in ministry. 

As it says in Corinthians, "there are many gifts but the same Spirit; and a variety of service, but the same Lord."
Complete the form so we can  match your gifts and interests with service,
OR view date-specific volunteer opportunities below. 

Opportunities to Serve

Take a look at current openings and reach out to the contact to sign up.

Treadle Sewing Machines for Malawi

Treadle sewing machines are changing lives in Malawi, Africa! Malawi Visions has been refurbishing Singer treadle sewing machine and shipping them to Malawi where our mission partner Ministry of Hope provides training classes at the Community Learning Centers. Students in these classes are making school uniforms while learning skills for a tailoring career.  Fledgling businesses are already forming!

We are seeking Singer treadle sewing machines. Due to parts availability, we have standardized on the Singer Model 66, also called "red eyes" because of it's decorative ornamentation. If you would like to donate a machine, please contact the Malawi Visions Team with a photo and/or serial number. Use the Contact Us button below or call the church office at 908-647-0340. We will pick it up! 

Support for Jasmine

We are supporting a family through HOME of Somerset County, Inc who needs additional support while Jasmine, a mom of 3 boys, undergoes treatment and surgery for cancer.

The Need

We are looking for two volunteers per week to deliver a meal and groceries.  

  • July 31/Aug 1: Beef tacos with the fixings, rice, chips & salsa, dessert of choice, juice or whole milk
  • Aug 7/8: Macaroni & cheese, chicken, steamed broccoli, chocolate chip cookies, whole milk
  • Aug 13/14: Breakfast for dinner - pancakes & syrup, bacon tator tots, juice or whole milk
  • Aug 20/21: Kielbasa with rice and beans, green beans, dessert of choice, juice or whole milk
  • Aug 27/28: Beef tacos with the fixings, rice, chips & salsa, dessert of choice, juice or whole milk

  • Size 6 diapers
  • Baby wipes
  • Whole milk
  • Various fresh fruit
  • Cereal

Please deliver meals on Wednesday or Thursday for the week to HOME, located at 98 West End Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876 between 9 am and 5 pm. 


We are looking for two volunteers per week.  Please sign up to volunteer using the link below, so we know that each week is covered.
If you have questions, please contact Jeff Knouse using the button below. 

Hearts for Honduras Vision Team

The Hearts for Honduras Vision Team is looking for additional volunteers to join the team.  The team meets monthly on Tuesday evenings to support the Hearts for Honduras school in their efforts to provide a Christian-based education for the poorest Honduran children, giving them the skills to transform their lives and their community.  We do this by guiding the vision and strategy for the school, ensuring the school is appropriately funded, supporting the teachers and school operations, and by raising awareness of God’s work in La Entrada.  If you are interested in joining the HfH Vision Team or just want to know more about it, please contact Glenn Schneider.

Shepherd's Pantry

Do you enjoy cooking? We are looking for volunteers to help restock Shepherd's Pantry with delicious fall meals. Shepherd's Pantry is an easy way to reach out and "give love away" by providing a meal for a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who needs support due to an illness, new baby, or temporary crisis.

A dedicated freezer, stocked with different entrees and soup options, is located in the space behind Door 10, the last door at the end of the building as you enter the church driveway. Meals may be picked up and signed out:
  • Monday - Friday: 9 am to 6 pm 
  • Sunday:  9 am to 1 pm
If you have questions or would like to volunteer to restock the freezer, please contact us.

Worship Volunteers

Looking for an easy yet meaningful way to give back ? We are seeking additional volunteers for both Traditional and Contemporary Worship including ushers, greeters, and coffee hosts. No experience necessary and we will work with your schedule. For more information or to volunteer, contact Elaine DeVito for Traditional Worship or Susan Roos for Contemporary Worship.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

To volunteer, complete the sign-up above or reach out directly to a ministry leader if you have a specific role in mind. 

Is there volunteer training?

Most ministry areas provide training and support for volunteer roles. For example, Liberty Corner Kids and Student Ministry provide training, resources, and support for teachers and leaders.  Worship Ministry holds training sessions throughout the year tech volunteers, ushers, greeters, and communion servers. 

Are there requirements to volunteer?

All volunteers  who work with children and students must complete a background check.

Can children and students serve?

Service is an important part of Liberty Corner Kids and Student Ministry. Both provide regular opportunities for children and youth to give back through service, including monthly Give Love Away projects, student-led drives, summer mission projects, and more.