Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
Romans 12:15
Life is challenging. We are here to help with encouragement, resources, and support groups.

Re:generation is a Christ-centered, disciple-making ministry in men-only and women-only closed groups. Focused on God, this 12-step model leads to personal restoration and activation in the call of discipleship. By working through biblical steps within an authentic community, people have found freedom from all sorts of personal struggles such as anxiety, substance abuse, codependency, pornography, anger, grief, obsessive thoughts and more.
To refer friends, family members, co-workers for Groundwork or if you have questions, please contact the Regeneration Team . Help introduce someone new to our community by attending with the person you invited a few times to help them connect to these groups. Confidentiality is of high priority.

Stephen Ministry
Compassionate care and encouragement in times of need
What is Stephen Ministry?
Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who provide non-judgmental, compassionate support and care through one-to-one relationships with people who are going through challenging times and need someone to listen, to care, to encourage and to pray.
The challenging times may be the result of grieving, unemployment or a job crisis, family issues, divorce or separation, recovery after an accident or disaster, feeling alone, facing chronic or terminal illness or other personal challenges.
Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who provide non-judgmental, compassionate support and care through one-to-one relationships with people who are going through challenging times and need someone to listen, to care, to encourage and to pray.
The challenging times may be the result of grieving, unemployment or a job crisis, family issues, divorce or separation, recovery after an accident or disaster, feeling alone, facing chronic or terminal illness or other personal challenges.
How can a Stephen Minister help you?
Stephen Ministers are here to care. Learn more about how you can be connected with a Stephen Minister.
Stephen Ministers are here to care. Learn more about how you can be connected with a Stephen Minister.
Interested in becoming a Stephen Minister?
If you are feeling called by God to use your skills of caring , compassion, and listening now is a great time to learn more.
If you are feeling called by God to use your skills of caring , compassion, and listening now is a great time to learn more.

Monday | 7 pm
It hurts to lose someone you love. The journey of grief is a painful process, but you do not need to walk it alone. GriefShare connects you with others who have experienced the death of a loved one and understand what you are going through. GriefShare is a 13-week seminar and support group that meets on Mondays at Liberty Corner Church.
In GriefShare, you will learn how to cope with the normal emotions that come when grieving a death, and to recognize the symptoms of being stuck in grief. Learn valuable information to help you face life situations, and gain renewed hope for the future. Each DVD session features nationally respected grief experts and real-life stories, followed by small group discussion.
Next Series
March 31 - June 30
The next series will meet on Monday evenings from 7-9 pm in the Lounge of Liberty Corner Church from March 31 through June 30. We will not meet on Memorial Day.
Registration is required. Please use the link below to sign up. The cost is $20 to cover your workbook.
Registration is required. Please use the link below to sign up. The cost is $20 to cover your workbook.

Tuesday | 7-9 pm
March 4- May 27
If you are separated or divorced, you don't have to go through it alone. Find help, discover hope, and experience healing at DivorceCare, a divorce recovery support group. Meet with others who know what you are experiencing, find support and practical information on topics like anger, financial survival, caring for your child(ren), loneliness, new relationships and more.
DivorceCare is a 13-week series that meets on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm. The next series begins March 4 and will run through May 27. Registration is required.

Liberty ACA
Thursday | 7-8:30 pm
Liberty ACA is a 12-step program for adults who grew up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. In a mutually respectful, safe environment, participants acknowledge common experiences. The group gathers on Thursday evenings in the Lounge of Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church at 7 pm.

Shepherd's Pantry
Shepherd's Pantry is an easy way to reach out and "give love away" by providing a meal for a friend, neighbor, or co-worker who needs support due to an illness, new baby, or temporary crisis.
A dedicated freezer, stocked with different entrees, soup, and dessert options is located in the space behind Door 10, the last door at the end of the building as you enter the church driveway. Meals may be picked up and signed out during hours of operation:
If you have questions or would like to volunteer to restock the freezer, please contact us.
A dedicated freezer, stocked with different entrees, soup, and dessert options is located in the space behind Door 10, the last door at the end of the building as you enter the church driveway. Meals may be picked up and signed out during hours of operation:
- Monday - Friday: 9 am to 6 pm
- Sunday: 9 am to 1 pm
If you have questions or would like to volunteer to restock the freezer, please contact us.

Alcoholics Anonymous
Monday | 7:30 pm
Adults of all ages meet to deal with the disease of alcoholism, share their experiences, and help each other stay sober.
Adults of all ages meet to deal with the disease of alcoholism, share their experiences, and help each other stay sober.