Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
Lead Pastor
Barnabas' name means “son of encouragement,” and he strives to live up to it. His passion is helping people experience eternal and abundant life in Jesus Christ.

Rev. Dr. Mike Fleischmann
Engagement Pastor
As Engagement Pastor, Mike shepherds a life-giving process from a person's first experience with Liberty Corner Church toward becoming fully integrated into the life of the church.

Rev. Christian Hong
Congregational Care Pastor
Christian walks alongside people in their point of need and resources the leaders of our caregiving ministries.
Family Ministries

Kelly Tancredi
Director of Family Ministries
Kelly and her team of dedicated volunteers nurture children and families toward a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ.

Rev. Joseph Kang
Youth Pastor
Joseph mentors students to follow Christ and be salt and light to the world.

Trish Russo
The Children's Corner Director
Trish firmly believes preschool is a pivotal time in a child's life and wants to foster the best Christian learning environment.
Music Ministry

Minister Jeffrey Reid
Director of Contemporary Worship
Jeffrey is an ordained minister in the Church of God since 2004. His passion has always been to lead the Body of Christ in meaningful worship.
Sharon Lawton
Worship Coordinator
Music, worship technology, worship volunteers, Sharon's weekly support keeps worship logistics running smoothly,
Chuck Schneider
Covenant Choir Director
Choir Director, opera singer, and vocal instructor, Chuck's musical talent enhances Traditional Worship.
Grace Kang
A graduate of Juilliard, Grace is an award-winning, talented organist who provides beautiful music for Traditional Worship each week.

David Sherman
Handbell Choir Director
David shares his musical talents by directing the Liberty Ringers.

Karen Van Nest
Administrative Director
Karen oversees finances, facilities, and human relations.
Lexie Blajsa
Lexie keeps Liberty Corner Church ministry running by paying the bills and balancing the books.

Heather Tracy
Communication Manager
Heather shares the story of ministry at Liberty Corner Church through word, image, and media.

Marie Wenslau
Administrative Assistant
Upon retirement, Marie decided to serve God as part of the church staff.

Linda Buccini
Administrative Assistant
Linda manages the database , membership, and provides support for ministries like Hospitality, Human Resources and more!