Small Groups & Classes

" the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

- Mark 12:30, ESV

Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church offers classes and small groups to encourage and support your growing faith.

Our Goal

  • build your relationship with God through connection
  • transform your relationship with Jesus as you grow in character
  • help you engage your calling as you discover your unique gifts

Sign up for a small group or class.

We'd love to get you connected to a small group or class. Fill out the form below to get started.


Life Groups

Want to make and deepen authentic friendships, while growing closer to God? Join a life group! This January we are launching several life groups to develop authentic, loving relationships to encourage one another to find and follow Jesus. Whatever your age, whether you are single or married, we seek to have a group for you.

Find a Group

The following groups are open.

  • Women's Group | Thursday, 3 pm, Zoom
  • Open to all | Thursday, 7 pm, Zoom
  • Women's Group | Sunday, 4:30 pm, offsite

Women's Bible Study

Thursday | 9 am,  Multi-B

Women meet for Bible study and fellowship on Thursday from 9-11 am. Open to new participants.


Relaxed . . . Does this word describe your life? It can, and for those in Christ, it will. So what are you waiting for? All women are invited  to join us for a seven-week video Bible study led by Megan Marshman. Walk slowly toward (and with) the relaxed life of Jesus. What do you have to lose? You’ll find out that it's everything you've been hoping to lose all along.

The new study begins on February 27 and meets in the Havrilla Room from 9-11 am.

Thursday Women's Bible Study

We'd love to have you join us! Sign up for Women's Bible Study using this form.

Men's Groups

Groups meet weekly for conversation, study, and prayer.  New participants welcome.

Tuesday | 7 pm

Wednesday | 7 pm

Thursday | 8 pm

Leader | Joe Plocinkski
Leader | Don Mayer-Brown
Leader | Don Hansen

40s & 50s Fellowship & Fun (4F)

This group (40s & 50s) gather for Bible study on Monday at 7:30 pm and meet regularly a variety of fun activities . Join us for an upcoming event. 

Young Adult Ministry

Young adults (20s & 30s) gather regularly for a Bible study and a variety of activities . Join us for an upcoming event. 

Thursday Night Bible Study

Thursday | 7:30 pm

Leaders | Timothy & Sue Grubb
This small group has been meeting continuously since 1992. Each Thursday night, we join in hybrid fashion – live, and via Zoom – for 90 minutes of singing, lessons, and prayer. New members welcome. 


Faith Cafe

Sunday | 9 am & 10:30 am

Faith Cafe  is a safe place to study, discuss, and explore faith. Faith Cafe meets on Sunday at 9 am and 10:30 am in the Havrilla Room (formerly Multi-B).  No registration required and new participants are welcome at any time.

3:16 The Numbers of Hope

February 16 - March 23

Faith Cafe begins Max Lucado's 3:16: The Numbers of Hope on Sunday, February 16.  "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This passage is a twenty-six-word parade of hope. A verse brief enough to write on a napkin or memorize in a moment...and solid enough to weather 2,000 years of storms and questions.  With deeply personal accounts of the way this verse shaped Max's own faith journey, this study will reveal the gospel story surrounding the promise and unpack God's plan of restoration from the human problems of sin and death. If you know nothing about the Bible, the promise of John 3:16 is where to start.

Join us in the Havrilla Room at either 9 am or 10:30 am on Sunday.  This 5-week series runs February 16 through March 23.

The Problem of Jesus: Answering the Skeptic's Challenge

March 30 - June 1

In The Problem of Jesus, author Mark Clark delves into the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth:  his parables and miracles, his controversial challenge of discipleship and obedience, his seemingly insane claim to be God, and what his death and resurrection mean. This class will tackle questions like:
  • Did Jesus really exist? 
  • Can we trust the Gospels? 
  • Were the miracles real? 
  • Did the resurrection really happen?

Join us in the Havrilla Room at either 9 am or 10:30 am on Sunday.  This 9-week series runs March 30 through June 1 (no class on Easter, April 20).

TraVERSEing the Word

Wednesday | 7 pm

Join us in a welcoming atmosphere in this verse-by-verse Bible study of the book of Mark. From beginner to Bible scholar, all are welcome to join us at any time. The Bible is the only book we use, and there are no homework assignments. Kevin Fox leads this study. We meet in person in the Havrilla Room and via Zoom. 

1st Step

1stStep is an introduction to what it means to follow Jesus as a covenant partner (member) at Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church. Explore your personal faith journey and discover ways to connect and grow your faith. 1stStep is offered at various times throughout the year and participants may choose to join the church following the class. If you are interested in the next series, please contact the church office at 908-647-0340.