The Endowment Fund
The Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund Ministry was organized and approved by Session over 20 years ago. Since inception, the Endowment Fund has approved grants of nearly $800,000. By design, the Endowment Fund does not support the church's operating budget. Although there have been revisions to policy over the years, the Fund focus still holds closely to its original intent – to more completely fulfill Liberty Corner Church’s mission by developing its ministries beyond what is possible through the church's annual operating funds. More specifically and primarily: special initiatives in worship, ministry, Christian education, and special initiatives in mission.
One way to think of the Endowment Fund is as a source of seed capital for budding ministry ideas and initiatives that address a need and provide an expanded opportunity for people to connect with the power of God’s transforming love.

Have an Idea?
Do you have ideas for developing or expanding a ministry that may require capital to help launch the initiative? Members of the Endowment Board and Session would love to hear from you. Please contact the church office at 908-647-0340.