
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why We Give

At Liberty Corner, we have a vision to impact lives with the good news of Jesus Christ, in the Somerset Hills and around the world. When we give, it’s more than just a donation: we are partners in God’s work. We recognize that God owns everything, and we are “stewards”—managers—of God’s resources. We give out of joyful gratitude for all that God has done for us, in this life and forever.

Ways To Give

Bank Transfer

Donors may arrange for their bank to automatically send a check to the church by mail. There should be no cost to you or the church for this transaction.

Online Giving

Online giving is an easy, convenient, and safe way to donate. 

Mail A Check

Gifts can be mailed to the church office:
PO Box 55
Liberty Corner, NJ 07938

Planned Giving

You can leave a legacy through a planned gift to the church. Please read the Planned Giving FAQ for ways to make a planned gift or email the Planned Giving Team

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to give online?

Yes! Online giving can be safer than writing a check as electronic gifts cannot be lost or stolen. 

Does it cost anything to give online?

There is a cost to giving online. Liberty Corner Church pays a small fee for each transaction from a donor's checking or savings account. LCPC incurs transaction fees and a percentage fee based on the donation charged to debit or credit cards. Transaction fees range from 2-4%.

Will I receive a year-end statement?

Yes, all donations given to Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church will be reflected on your contribution statement if you identify yourself. Cash donations made without a name, giving number, or offering envelope will not be reflected.

How do I set up a Bank Transfer?

Bank Transfer can be arranged through your bank. There is no additional cost to the church if you use Bank Transfer.


This year, our stewardship season is a little different. Instead of creating a budget based on pledges, our leaders have set a vision for growth, created a budget to fund the vision, and are asking the congregation to support this vision.

The vision and budget include:
  • Our full-time Engagement Pastor, Rev. Dr. Mike Fleischmann 
  • New initiatives in discipleship
  • Improved pathways for outreach, connections, and volunteering
  • Ongoing support for local and global missions
  • Caring for our terrific staff and facilities
This year we are asking every family to complete an Intention Card to prayerfully consider your level of gratitude and generosity to God’s kingdom.

Completing an Intention Card is an act of gratitude that God has provided, and an act of faith that God will provide. And, the habit of giving can grow our gratitude, and grow our faith, to grow us closer to Christ.

Stewardship FAQs

Can I complete the Intention Card online?
Sure! Use the button above to fill out your Intention Card. If you prefer a paper version, stop by the church office to pick one up.
What if my financial situation changes?
Financial situations can change for better or for worse. If yours does, feel free to call the church office to make any adjustments. Truly, we care about you more than we care about money.
Will my little bit help?
Yes! Liberty Corner Church is grateful for gifts of any size. We truly depend on the support of our whole family of faith, not just a few large donors. In addition, the practice of giving develops your faith—remember, Jesus said your heart will be where your treasure is, not the other way around!
Does the church accept gifts of stock, qualified distributions or other assets?
Absolutely. Contact Karen Van Nest in the church office to discuss tax-advantaged ways to give at 908-647-0340.
Can I give online?
Yes. We provide a secure giving portal and you can make a one-time or recurring donation. There is a small cost to the church for using this service. In addition, most banks and credit unions have a bill pay service on their own website, which has zero cost to you or to the church. We are glad to work with you to set that up.
Where can I get more information?
See info at or call Karen in the church office at 908-647-0340.

Opportunities for Year-end Giving

We are grateful for the generosity of year-end gifts. Please remember that per tax laws, all giving  must be postmarked on or before December 31 to be considered as contributions for the year.

Cash or Check

A gift of cash or check is an easy way to show your faithful support for the mission and ministries of the church. If donating cash, please include your name or envelope number to make sure that the contribution is reflected on your giving statement. Cash gifts may be eligible for a federal tax deduction.


Gifts of appreciated assets, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, are appealing because long-term gains are not taxed, and the gift is generally deductible from income tax at the full fair market value on the date of the gift. Gifts of appreciated property can be deducted up to 30% of adjusted gross income.

IRA Charitable Distribution

If you own a traditional individual retirement account (IRA) and are age 70-1/2 or older as of January 1, 2024, consider making an IRA charitable distribution (known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD) gift to the church. In 2024, the maximum amount a donor may transfer to a qualified charity directly from an IRA is $105,000. If you are 73 years or older, the IRA charitable distribution can be used to satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD), to certain limits. The distribution amount is not subject to income tax and your gift will not be subject to charitable gift limitations. See your IRA Trustee for details to do this, and consult your financial advisors.


Please consult your professional advisor on how any of these gifts would fit into your overall plans and your eligibility for tax benefits.


Special gifts can also be given to the Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund is available to address needs beyond the normal operating budget of LCPC. Please reach out to the Chairperson of the Endowment Board through the church office at 908-647-0340. 

Have a question about giving?

We'd love to hear from you.