Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry

Compassionate care and encouragement in times of need

Stephen Ministry carefully trains members of the congregation who provide non-judgmental, confidential, compassionate support and care through one-to-one relationships with members of the congregation and the community who are going through challenging times and need someone to listen, to care, to encourage and to pray.

Interested in learning about becoming a Stephen Minister?

The next training class will begin January 5, 2025.  In supportive, interactive and fun sessions, you will be taught what you will need to know  - how to listen, how to provide distinctively Christian care, what to say and what not to say – so you can provide care with confidence.
Serving as a Stephen Minister is very rewarding.

  • You will grow spiritually and personally.
  • The skills you are taught can be used in every day life.
  • You are a part of a supportive, loving Christian team.
  • You will see God at work in and through you to bring hope and healing to another person.

Applications for the 2025 training class are due by October 13. Call 908-507-7739 to speak to a Stephen Leader and request an application. Is God calling you to use and grow your skills of caring, compassion and listening? Let’s talk!

Take the next step

If you are feeling called by God to use your skills of caring , compassion and listening now is a great time to speak with a Stephen Leader about Stephen Ministry and the steps to become a Stephen Minister. Call Stephen Ministry at 908-507-7739.
Stephen Ministries is an international not-for-profit Christian organization with over 13,000 congregations providing a lay caring ministry.  

Looking for care and support?