What is Re:generation?
Re:generation is a place for the broken. Everyone sins and everyone suffers. Your struggle is real and you are not alone. God loves you and wants to give you freedom.
Re:generation is a Christ-centered, disciple-making ministry in men-only and women-only closed groups. Through a biblical 12-step discipleship process, Re:generation recovery walks you through the pain, hurt, sin, and brokenness in your life--the things you've done and the things that were done to you-- so you can begin to experience hope, peace, joy, and a life of purpose. By working through biblical steps within an authentic community, people have found freedom from all sorts of personal struggles such as anxiety, substance abuse, codependency, pornography, anger, grief, obsessive thoughts and more.
Re:generation is a Christ-centered, disciple-making ministry in men-only and women-only closed groups. Through a biblical 12-step discipleship process, Re:generation recovery walks you through the pain, hurt, sin, and brokenness in your life--the things you've done and the things that were done to you-- so you can begin to experience hope, peace, joy, and a life of purpose. By working through biblical steps within an authentic community, people have found freedom from all sorts of personal struggles such as anxiety, substance abuse, codependency, pornography, anger, grief, obsessive thoughts and more.
Meet In Person
Thursday | 7 pm
We meet in person in Multi-B of Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church. Registration is not required to attend. Childcare is available upon request; please use the form to sign up.
Meet Online
Thursday | 7 pm
We offer an online group for those not in the area including New Jersey residents and global missionaries. Registration is required.
Re:generation Order Form

Books are available both as a physical books or digital pdf. Please use the form below to order.
Books are available both as a physical books or digital pdf. Please use the form below to order.