
We're so glad you're here!

Be inspired!

At Liberty Corner Church, we are a family of faith inspiring people to find and follow Jesus.

We're here to support your journey with opportunities for children, youth, and adults, from Sunday morning worship and classes, to special events, small groups, support groups, service opportunities and more. 

Traditional Worship

Sunday at 9 am | Sanctuary

Traditional Worship offers organ, choir, and handbell music, along with scripture, prayer and a message from the pastor.  Greeters will welcome you to the historic Sanctuary. The main doors of the Sanctuary face Church Street.

Contemporary Worship

Sunday at 10:30 am | Center Court

Contemporary Worship offers music led by the Worship Band with keyboard, drums, guitars, and vocals,  along with scripture, prayer, media, and a message from the pastor.  Greeters will welcome you to the more casual auditorium-style seating in Center Court. Please drive to the back of campus and look for the signs to enter Center Court.

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