
Ascend is a practice for those who are growing to live, love, believe, and behave like Jesus. 

Using the rhythms of daily prayer and weekly conversation with others, Ascend invites us to reflect on how we are growing in three areas:


our response to God's grace


our response to God's holiness


our response to God's love

Getting Started

Follow Jesus
More than believing, following is a commitment to live, love, believe and behave more like Jesus in our everyday lives.

Connect Daily
Connect daily with a simple method of prayer focused on gratitude, surrender, and calling. See  below.

Meet Weekly
Weekly conversations with other believers provides support and encouragement on how we are growing in gratitude, surrender, and calling. 

Connect Daily

Each morning, we commit our day to God. We invite you to hold your hands in these specific postures as you pray your intentions to follow Jesus today.
Morning Prayer
I open my hands in gratitude because I live in Your grace. I will thank you for each good gift today. I will show grace to others as You shower grace on me. I want to live an open-handed life in a closed-fisted world.

I lift my hands as a sign that Jesus is my Lord. I surrender my preferences, prejudices, and position to You. I confess my sins, grudges, and brokenness to You. I pray, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, in my life as it is in Heaven."

I hold my hands forward as a symbol of calling. I want to live for something greater than myself. I want to embrace your kingdom mission for my life. I seek the lost, last, least, and lonely to be restored in the kingdom of God.
Evening Prayer
For what am I grateful today? How have I showed grace and generosity to others today?

What have I relinquished today? What do I need to release today?

How have I embraced God's mission for me today? Whom have I helped draw closer to God's kingdom today?

Ascend Small Groups

Ascend small groups discuss the sermon and reflect on how we are growing in three areas: gratitude, surrender, and calling. 

Sunday| 7 pm

Open to 20s & 30s, singles and couples
Leaders rotate

Thursday | 3 pm

Open to women
Leader: Sabra Seyer

Monday | 7:30 pm

40s & 50s Fellowship and Fun (4F)
Open to 40s & 50s, singles and couples
Leader: Kat Ma & Glenn Martin