Sunday, April 20

You are invited to celebrate the hope of Easter at Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church. Join us for an uplifting morning of music, message, and treats for kids. We offer three opportunities to worship.

Traditional Worship

9 am & 11 am | Sanctuary
Held in our historic Sanctuary, the Traditional Services include scripture, a message, prayer, and our favorite Easter hymns with music of the organ, piano, a string quartet, and the Easter Choir.

Contemporary Worship

10:30 am | Center Court
At this more casual service set in Center Court, hear scripture and a message, and sing praise songs led by the Worship Team on guitars, keys, and drums.
We will livestream worship at 9 am and 10:30 am, available at, the Liberty Corner Church app, @LibertyCornerChurch, and YouTube.

Children & Students

Children and students are always welcome in worship! We encourage you to celebrate this special day as a family. Childcare will be available for infants through age four during each worship service.

Worship activities for kids will be available near the entrances to worship. Be sure to pick up an Easter treat for elementary-age children. Liberty Corner Kids (infants-5th grade) and Salt & Light (6th-12th grade) will resume on Sunday, April 27.

Directions & Parking

The church is located at 45 Church Street in the Liberty Corner section of Bernards Township. The Sanctuary entrance faces Church Street. Please drive around to the back of the church campus to access Center Court.