Growing Together
From birth through high school graduation, Family Ministries walks alongside children and parents to encourage, enrich, and empower families with resources for each child's spiritual growth.

Nursery (ages 0-2)
- Goal: The church and its caregivers are joyful, loving, fun, and safe.
- Events/Programs: Liberty Corner Kids nursery
- Milestones: Baptism, Bible story time each week, introducing and teaching table graces

Preschool (ages 3-5)
- Goal: Children know that Jesus loves them.
- Events/Programs: Liberty Corner Kids, Vacation Bible School
- Milestones: Learning about Hearts For Honduras and participating in weekly offering; preschool graduation celebration and blessing

Elementary (grades K-5)
- Goal: To begin to develop a generation of Jesus followers who take their faith and grace out into the world
- Events/Programs: Liberty Corner Kids, Vacation Bible School
- Milestones: First Grade Prayer Party, Second Grade Communion, Third Grade Bible Adventure, Give Love Away service projects, 5th Grade Transition Day to Middle School

Middle School (grades 6-8)
- Goal: To create an environment for students to ask tough faith questions where they know they are accepted, loved, and met where they are
- Events/Programs: Youth Ministry, small groups, retreats, mission, worship
- Milestones: Give Love Away service projects, serving as a leader at Vacation Bible School and other large church events

High School (grades 9-12)
- Goal: To prepare youth to "launch" into the world with confidence in their faith and ability to share it with others
- Events/Programs: Youth Ministry, small groups, retreats, mission, worship
- Milestones: Confirmation, leadership opportunities, assistant teaching with Liberty Corner Kids, graduation celebration