
9 am &  10:30 am

Friendly Faith

Sermon Series

In a culture of increasing disconnection, what if our highest calling is to be a friend? Jesus calls us his friends, and calls us to be a friend to others, that they may befriend Jesus. This fall we will explore John 15:12-17, verse by verse, to reframe our life and mission as friendly faith.

Faith Cafe

9 am & 10:30 am

Faith Cafe offers faith study and discussion in a relaxed setting. Join us for class at 9 or 10:30 am.

Liberty Corner Kids

10:30 am

Following the Blessing in 10:30 am worship, children are invited to games, activities, and a lesson.

Salt & Light Youth

10:30 am

Following the Blessing at 10:30 am worship, youth (6th-12th grade) are invited to the Student Lounge for a lesson, discussion, and a look at youth ministry for the year ahead.

Soccer Collection for Malawi Visions

Sept 15-29

Malawi Visions is collecting new and gently used soccer balls and uniforms for children in Malawi, Africa.  Children in rural villages of Malawi often make their own soccer balls, like the one pictured here, from wadded and tied plastic bags.


Look for the marked bins near the entrances to Center Court, the Sanctuary (or Douglas Hall, if construction is ongoing), and The Children's Corner from September 15-29. 

About Malawi Visions

Malawi Visions is a Christ-centered, projects-oriented mission working in partnership with Ministry of Hope which operates six Community Development Centers to minister to orphan children in remote villages in Malawi, Africa.