May 5th, 2021
APRIL 2021
On May 2, we are launching Try-a-Tithe Sunday. A tithe means a tenth. God’s standard for us is to live on 90% of our income and give 10% to God’s kingdom.
Tithing is a sacrifice. It proves that we trust God to provide—and God promises if we are faithful, God is faithful. In Malachi, God says “Test me on this: bring the full tithe, and I will open the windows of heaven to bless you.” God does not promise a red Lamborghini, but God does promise a truly abundant life. God provides what people want to get from money—joy, freedom, security.
On May 2, we will have Try-a-Tithe Sunday, where we are encouraging you to try tithing for one week. Figure what you earn that week, and give 10% of it that Sunday. No long-term commitment. And no risk: if you have an unexpected bill, we can refund the money from that week. Let's bring the full tithe, and see what God does.
Tithing is a sacrifice. It proves that we trust God to provide—and God promises if we are faithful, God is faithful. In Malachi, God says “Test me on this: bring the full tithe, and I will open the windows of heaven to bless you.” God does not promise a red Lamborghini, but God does promise a truly abundant life. God provides what people want to get from money—joy, freedom, security.
On May 2, we will have Try-a-Tithe Sunday, where we are encouraging you to try tithing for one week. Figure what you earn that week, and give 10% of it that Sunday. No long-term commitment. And no risk: if you have an unexpected bill, we can refund the money from that week. Let's bring the full tithe, and see what God does.
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